Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sermon explores meaning of Groundhog Day

Rev. Mark Hayes introduces his sermon of 3 February 2008 with a passage from Thomas Moore’s Original Self: Living with Paradox and Originality, before exploring religious associations with Groundhog Day. Hayes says,
"In the same book from which I took this morning’s reading, Thomas Moore writes at one point, "The essence of religion is to see the sublime and the awesome in the lowliest of things." In yet another place in the same book, he states that "Beneath the favorite tale of the moment a deeper story always lies waiting to be discovered."

And so this morning we take up the challenge of finding a deeper story beneath one favorite tale of the moment: Groundhog Day. How much lowlier can we go than this little critter that digs around in the dirt and spends a fair part of the year in a burrow underground? We take up the religious challenge of identifying some sublime or awesome aspect of this simple celebration of this humble, lowly creature. But before we explore the origins and history of the celebration of Groundhog Day and seek for its deeper religious implications, I must point out that February 2 already has some explicit religious connections."
Keep this 5-page .pdf file in mind for Tuesday 2 February 2009.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Explore later life for meaning and enjoyment

Today in Fort Worth, Texas, the Star-Telegram publishes "Later years are prime time for inner rejuvenation" by Karla Uecker. Before describing five ways to engage with the world, Uecker quotes Terry Stevens:

"Others may respond to a more esoteric approach such as one recommended by Terry Stevens, a Fort Worth-based life and leadership coach. Many people do find a freshness in their later years, she said, because they just didn’t have the time or resources to do so earlier. Later life allows us "to savor the moment in a way that is not available to us when we are raising our kids," she said. "I like to recommend that people read poetry ... pick up things that were left behind in the busyness of raising children and making careers."
"Another resource for inner rejuvenation could be Thomas Moore’s Care of The Soul, which Stevens recommends as "a book that helps a person to reflect about what makes meaning, and what is important in their lives."

"It is thoughtful and reflective," Stevens says of Moore’s book. "That might be one way for a person to go inside."
Books by James Hollis also address this theme of mid-life rejuvenation.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Watch The Power of Forgiveness in Inverness

In Inverness, Scotland, Highland Spiritual Cinema will show The Power of Forgiveness on Wednesday, 22 October, 2008 at the Volunteering Highland at 1A Millburn Road. Thomas Moore is featured in this 2007 documentary, directed by Martin Doblmeier.

"Each month, Highland Spiritual Cinema shows engaging films that touch hearts and souls, films that remind us of the truth of our spiritual nature as they reveal the magnificence of the human spirit. The option of participating in a Discussion Group follows the screening of films. Share what you enjoyed, what you didn’t enjoy, or anything else that came up for you."

The site offers two downloadable Word documents about the discussion group, and how to approach spiritual cinema. Admission is free; donations are welcomed. Contact information about reserving a seat is on the site.

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